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To sustain and develop economic and social activities in the future, it is essential for Japan, which is not endowed with rich energy resources, to ensure energy security while looking into the future. In such efforts peaceful use of nuclear power has a vital role. In establishing the nuclear fuel recycle policy to achieve effective use of nuclear energy, it is indispensable to transport safely and smoothly nuclear fuel material between various nuclear facilities in Japan and abroad. Assurance of safe transportation is gaining in importance more than ever. In the nuclear fuel recycle policy of Japan, \"plutonium thermal use,\" that burns plutonium in the form of a mixed oxide fuel with uranium in a light water reactor, has been positively considered with views to utilize plutonium generated by spent fuel reprocessing and to achieve more effective use of uranium. Up to now Japan has been holding a principle of having no excess plutonium with the view of nuclear nonproliferation, and plutonium thermal use is recognized as the most proper use of plutonium as of today. A plan \"On Promotion of Nuclear Fuel Cycle for the Time Being\" was acknowledged by the Cabinet on February 4, 1997, and on the basis of it, the Minister of International Trade and Industry and the Director General of the Science and Technology Agency requested the governors of three prefectures (Fukui, Fukushima and Niigata) hosting nuclear power plants to cooperate with the implementation of plutonium thermal use. With such a background, when the Government has the consent of the parties concerned including the local communities, plutonium thermal use will be promoted. This, in turn, will increase the importance of assuring safety of MOX fuel transportation.