The Y-12 Nuclear Detection and Sensor Testing Center (NDSTC) provides testing venues and Enriched and Highly Enriched Uranium (EU–HEU) materials for researchers to perform measurements with radiation detection instrumentation. Two sites are operational. Site 1 contains Category I-IV quantities of 235 U in configurations that address customer programmatic requirements. Passive and active interrogations using D-T and D-D neutron generators and 252 Cf sources are authorized. Approvals are underway to support other active interrogation techniques. Access to arrays and specific objects at Site 1 may be granted to support radiation detection techniques for arms control and treaty verification, as well as many other missions. Site 2 consists of multiple testing venues where Category IV materials can be deployed for measurements by university researchers, nuclear instrumentation companies, etc., including, with prior authorization, foreign nationals. Y-12 performs many chemical and metallurgical processes that result in various forms and chemical compounds of uranium, many of which are unique to Y-12 and others that are used in the uranium fuel cycle. Leveraging these resources, many well characterized EU-HEU metallic and U chemical compound standards are being developed. New EU–HEU metallic standards with 235 U ranging from 0.2% to 93% percent are being finalized. These materials are described in more detail in a poster session presentation at the INMM 53 rd Annual Meeting (Cantrell, 2012b). Many additional forms of uranium that span a broad range of 235 Uenrichments and uranium concentrations may be developed as standards including alloys, chemical compounds, and solutions. Miscellaneous processing solutions with low uranium concentrations are also available, including raffinates and extractants from solvent extraction processes, condensates from evaporator equipment, and filtrates from leaching and precipitation solutions.