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The Department of Energy High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge, TeMessee in the U. S. is an operating 85 mw research reactor with a mission of isotope production (including medical), material irradiation, neutron scattering, and neutron activation analysis. The reactor was built in 1965 and originally operated at the I 00 mw power level but was downgraded in 1989 because of a vessel hydrogen embrittlement issue. The element design has inner and outer aluminum elements containing 93% fuel in an U3 08 aluminum matrix. The refueling cycle is about 23 days and the reactor produces about 11 spent fuel cores a year. The Record of Decision for the National Spent Fuel Programmatic Envirorunental Impact Statement specifies that aluminum fuels are to be sent to the DOE Savannah River Site for safe interim storage. This site is about 300 miles from HFlR and highway transportation is the method of shipment The ftrSt HFIR shipment was made on July 18, 1996, and shipments average about one per month. This presentation gives a summary of the Health Physics activities involved in shipping preparation, shipment inspection, and transportation. Photographs provide actual coverage of facilities and equipment.