Design Verification of Deep Boreholes: A Review of Available Inspection Tools

Robert J. Finch - Sandia National Laboratories
Heidi A. Smartt - Sandia National Laboratories
Risa Haddal - Sandia National Laboratories
Deep borehole disposal (DBD) has been suggested as an option for disposing spent nuclear fuel in a number of countries, including several countries that are subject to international safeguards. DBD presents some distinct challenges for safeguards compared to a conventional mined geological repository (MGR), including the ability to verify declared design information about the borehole. The ability to verify a borehole’s design is crucial for assuring that spent fuel or other accountable nuclear materials are disposed as declared in a borehole of known and verifiable design. This study reviews existing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) borehole inspection tools currently used by the drilling industry, and evaluates the capabilities of those COTS inspection tools against how well they can meet potential needs and requirements of Design Information Verification (DIV) inspections for international safeguards. The study identified several promising COTS borehole inspection tools that might be used for DIV safeguards inspections and suggests possible modifications and future testing.