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Transnuclear, Inc. (TNY) has developed enhanced cask designs to meet the needs of utilities at an economical price. The products are based on the proven technology of the TN-24, TN-32 and TN-40 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) dry storage casks which have been licensed, fabricated and are in use in the United States at Northern States Power's Prairie Island Station and Virginia Power's Surry Station. They are also planned for use at Virginia Power's North Anna Station. The TN advanced storage casks are metal casks designed for ease of operation and minimal radiation dose rates to workers and the public. An amendment to the TN-32 Topical Safety Analysis Report is under review by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to increase the allowable maximum bumup and initial enrichment limits of the fuel. • Transnuclear is licensing a similar design to meet the needs of Boiling Water Reactor {BWR) plants. The TN-68 cask is designed to transport and store 68 intact BWR fuel assemblies with a maximum initial enrichment of 3.3% w/o U235, 40,000 MWD/MTU maximum bumup and a 10 year minimum cooling time. These casks are planned for first use at the Philadelphja Electric Company's Peach Bottom Plant. The TN advanced storage casks are uncanistered, allowing fuel removal and inspection at any time during the storage period. There is no on-site welding required, allowing the casks to be completely fabricated and inspected before leaving the fabricator's facility. Thus quality can be ensured by radiographing all containment welds. Transnuclear has demonstrated a high level of fabrication control and quality assurance necessary to meet the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and utility requirements.