Possible Applications of NDA Systems using Laser Compton Scattering (LCS) X-rays and J-rays in Material Accountancy and Safeguards Verification for Future Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities

Takehito Hayakawa - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Toshiyuki Shizuma - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Ryoichi Hajima - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Nobuhiro Kikuzawa - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Nobuyuki Nishimori - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Micho Seya - Nuclear Nonproliferation Science and Technology Center
Mamoru Fujiwara - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
ERL (Energy Recovery Linac) based laser Compton scattering (LCS) X- and J-ray sources 100 keV 3 MeV have possibilities of various applications to non- destructive assay (NDA) in material accountancy and safeguards verification for future nuclear fuel cycle (FNFC) facilities. Using the characteristic features of LCS J-ray source (1 3 MeV) with having semi-monochromatic energy distribution and enough intensity of J-rays, it could be applied to a NDA system of Pu not only in spent nuclear fuel but also in fresh MOX fuel with FPs (fission products) and MAs (minor actinides) by NRF (nuclear resonance fluorescence) method. This NDA system is as well applicable for measuring Pu (plutonium) in high-level active waste such as hull or vitrified waste. The LCS X-ray source in an energy range of 100 150 keV could be applied to an advanced hybrid K-edge and XRF densitometry to analyze element concentration (of U, Pu and all MA) in various solutions with a very fast speed compared to those in the present systems using a bremsstrahlung X-ray source. Furthermore, based on future advancement in nuclear structure scientific research, the NRF method using the LCS J-ray source (1 3 MeV) could be applied to very fast NDA of isotopic compositions (of U, Pu and all MA) for small solution or MOX samples taken from the process of FNFC facilities.