Non-destructive assay (NDA) of 239Pu in spent nuclear fuel is possible using the isotope-specific nuclear resonance fluorescence integral resonance transmission (IRT) method. The IRT method measures the absorption of photons from a quasi-monoenergetic ?-ray beam due to all resonances in the energy width of the beam. According to calculations the IRT method could greatly improve assay times for 239Pu in nuclear fuel [1]. To demonstrate and verify the IRT method, we measured the IRT signature in a simulant material, 181Ta, whose nuclear resonant properties are similar to those of 239Pu. Measurements were made at beam energies of 2.27 and 2.75 MeV, using metallic Ta for both the absorption and scattering targets. The scattered radiation was measured using HPGe and LaBr detectors. We will present the measurement and results, which confirm the validity of the IRT method. A similar result is expected for 239Pu. # This study is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan. [1] C.T. Angell et al. In Institute of Nuclear Materials Management 53rd Annual Meeting, July (2012)