We review the physics and present knowledge of Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF) as well as identify some research areas necessary to mature the field for its application to the management of nuclear materials. Some of the problems associated with safeguards, the production and reprocessing of nuclear fuels, non-proliferation, dismantlement of weapons, transportation and storage that can be addressed with NRF are identified and discussed. We outline the current research areas associated with NRF activities ranging from applications to safeguards, nuclear forensics, improved modeling and the acquisition of nuclear data. Accelerator needs for NRF are discussed along with the presentation of new concepts for the production of nearly monochromatic beams. Many of these developments are to be presented in depth during the two Special Sessions (I and II) on NRF. These sessions demonstrate a rapidly growing area of basic and applied research with NRF leading to strong possibilities for application to the secure management of nuclear materials. The strong role that research in NRF can play in the fundamental education of nuclear scientists is also developed in these Special Sessions.