Eyes On the Ground: Toward a Portable Inspector’s Assistant

Charles Q. Little - Sandia National Laboratories
Michael McDaniel - Sandia National Laboratories
Randy C. Brost - Sandia National Laboratories
Natacha L. Peter-Stein - Sandia National Laboratories
IAEA inspectors face a rapidly widening challenge. Working within an already small budget, the number of inspection sites is increasing, and the inspection complexity also rises as new technology and new reactor types are introduced. Despite this, inspectors must perform complex inspection tasks with multiple objectives, all within a limited time on site. This paper describes a concept of an Inspector’s Assistant, a mobile device designed to aid the inspector in completing site inspection tasks, collecting and logging required data, and communicating the results to colleagues at IAEA. The device includes both a camera and hand-held 3-d scanning capability, to support direct assessment and documentation of observations. The envisioned tool would include a 3-d site model, supporting orientation, situational awareness, logging of data, observations, and environmental samples in context, and interactive analysis of current observed equipment compared to both design intent and what was observed in the past. The envisioned system would include task support, to integrate smoothly with the inspector’s overall work flow. It would also operate in conjunction with models and data at IAEA headquarters, to support analysis and coordination of inspection activitiesover time. In this presentation, we will describe our progress pursuing prototypes of key functionality and work in exploring the use of 3-d measurement technology to enable an inspector’s assistant tool.