The World Nuclear University Summer Institute was established by the World Nuclear Association in 2005 as a program for future leaders in the nuclear field. Since its inception, a total of some 8 5 0 fellows from more than 70 countries have participated in the Summer I nstitute program. In 2012, the World Nuclear University held its first - ever alumni assembly event at the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, during which the precedent wa s set that a reunion would be held biennially. The 2014 alumni assembly was hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory from March 31 – April 4, 2014. The event offered three separate areas of opportunities for the participating alumni: professional developmen t, leadership, and peer - to - peer engagement. The professional development consisted of training groups, while the leadership involved discussions with invited leaders, including members of the Blue Ribbon Commission. The peer - to - peer engagement not only g a v e past fellows a chance to reconnect with each other but also provided them the opportunity for further engagement with the speakers, as well as with fellows from other classes.