The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) Y-12 National Security Complex will continue the transition to the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility (HEUMF) throughout the next decade. The continued execution of the movement of Y-12's Special Nuclear Material (SNM) from interim storage areas is crucial to the continued transformation and modernization of the site. This final and perhaps the most difficult stage of the transition effort, referred to as Area 5 Deinventory, supports the transition out of the current uranium processing facility and involves expedited transfer of materials from interim and in process storage areas that currently support Y-12. The deinventory strategy must be balanced with long term strategic planning objectives, production goals and other mission objectives which presents new challenges and opportunities for innovation to the de-inventory team and to Y-12. A recent addition to the tool kit used by the Area 5 deinventory team involves direct canning materials that would previously have been processed through consolidation casting. This process is proving to be very effective in expediting material disposition and thus is being expanded to further reduce throughput constraints.