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The paper presents the technical and organizational measures for the qualification of two steam generators for shipment under special arrangement from the nuclear power station KWO to the interim storage site of EWN GmbH in Greifswald, Germany by road and barge on inland waterways. The first issue to be solved was the categorization of the steam generators with respect to the Regulations. Based on contamination and radioactivity SCO-II was the only possible classification with one uncertainty left. Due to the design of the inner surfaces which were not accessible it could not be proved that all inner parts of the steam generators comply with SCO-II. Secondly, regarding their mass and geometry the steam generators could not be fitted into a packaging. For this reason they were qualified themselves to fulfill the requirements towards an industrial package of type IP-2 except of the position which leads to maximum damage during the drop test. The third problem to be solved was to comply with the dose rate limits for conveyances. One of the steam generators has been equipped with an additional shielding to meet the admissible value in a distance of two meter from the road vehicle. The last issue was the development of a tie-down system for the large parts to the heavy cargo trailers used for the road transport and for the barge. NCS devised a solution which provided adequate safety, reduced radiation exposure of the personnel and was economically favorable. As the radiation protection for such big components is of particular importance a special radiation protection program was implemented for the shipment. All employees had been equipped with film badges to get an overview about the personal doses after shipment. To comply with the requirements for quality assurance written instructions for handling and controlling during preparation, loading and unloading of the steam generators were set up.