The terrorist attack events frequently causing massive losses of human lives and prosperities have constantly occurred in these recent years. Governments around the world have been making frantic efforts in response. We do not rule out the occurrence of a large-scale devastating attacks launched by terrorists to power transmission and distribution systems. The electric power generated from different levels of power plants (including nuclear, thermo and hydro power plants) has to be transmitted into switch yards and substations through overhead transmission lines and underground cables separately. Since all crucial facilities in systems (like overhead transmission lines & towers, switch yards, substations and underground cables etc.) are separately exposed to suburbs, mountain areas and undergrounds, the entire operation of the system might easily be shut down by terrorist attacks or sabotage. Once power transmission and distribution systems (particularly focused on the key transmission tower, key substation and the key underground cable) have seriously been destroyed either by sabotage or natural disaster, wide-region or regional power blackout would definitely happen and might have a strong impact both on national security and society stability. The issues on how to effectively prevent power transmission and distribution systems from being disrupted by internal or external factors have extensively been discussed for years by Taiwan Power. Based on the importance of the countermeasures on counterterrorism and sabotage to power transmission and distribution systems, we are glad to know that Physical Protection Technical Division of INMM has recently created a new topical area of Nuclear Infrastructure Security in response to the need of physical protection business. All the experts and specialists who are engaged in power security business from around the world ought to be foresighted in doing their own jobs. Through series of discussions and best practices to be held by Nuclear Infrastructure Security (NIS) of INMM, I strongly hope that we attendees could acquire sufficient information and practical techniques in this brand-new topical area.