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Over 35 years, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to promote nuclear basic research and nuclear fuel cycle done by its predecessors; JAERI and JNC (PNC) has been accumulating experiences to transport wide range of nuclear materials: MOX fuels and powder for fast breeder reactors, MOX spent fuel for post irradiation examination and uranium fuel elements for test / research reactors, etc.. This paper introduces our experiences in transporting MOX fuels and powder, and additionally technology and system in terms of transport method, emergency preparedness and quality assurance developed reflecting trends in Japan and world, then shows one of future perspectives for MOX transport. In order to attain the safe and secure MOX fuel transport, not only safety measures complying with domestic regulations which incorporates the IAEA safe transport regulations; TS-R-1 but also physical protection measures corresponding to the Category I requirements by INFCIRC/225/rev4 as well as additional demands are considered and secured to a transport system as a whole. Those include emergency preparedness in accidents, training and exercise for transport workers, information control, etc. Development of packages which relate to transport methods also should be addressed. .