This analysis concludes that it is unlikely that the IAEA, or another international nuclear institution, will play a significant role in the control of nuclear activities in the Middle East over the next 24 months. It is clear that the Mideast is currently unstable in regards to nuclear developments, making the intervention of effective regulations ever more important. Since the IAEA is not a regulatory body itself, its role in the context of overall regulation in the Mideast is evaluated as an information agency. Past events, lack of power and respect allocated to international nuclear institutions, the low impact of penalizing sanctions, and the inefficiencies of current international organizations and treaties are some of the main reasons why current efforts will prove to be ineffective. This analysis focuses on an international, multi-nation approach to the Mideast; while there are other options, such as leaving the region alone or engaging in a unilateral diplomatic approach to the region, these are not the focus of this analysis.