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This paper describes the development and current status of the new standard, “Measurement of Package and Conveyance Radiation Levels and Surface Contamination,” approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 2007. The purpose of the standard is to minimize variability and therefore, help to demonstrate uniform compliance of contamination and radiation levels with regulatory limits, thus promoting public and occupational health and safety during transportation and the handling of radioactive materials. A 21-member subcommittee (N14.36) was formed to develop the standard following the procedures of ANSI Accredited Standards Committee N14, “Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive and NonNuclear Hazardous Materials.” The subcommittee includes representatives from the radioactive material packaging and transportation industry in the United States and Canada, non-governmental organizations, United States regulatory and government agencies (both federal and state governments), and includes the U.S. Department of Energy. In developing this standard, the subcommittee considered the existing operating and administrative procedures, methods, instruments, and processes used in industry and government. Certain basic general requirements in the standard are applicable to all radioactive material (RAM) packages; however, the risk-informed, graded approach was considered by the subcommittee in determining package-specific requirements in the standard. The contents of this standard include the processes, procedures, equipment, and training required for consistent, reliable, and reproducible measurements of radiation levels and surface contamination on and near RAM packages and conveyances.