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In 1989, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) established the Office of Environmental Management to mitigate the risks and hazards posed by the legacy of nuclear weapons production and research. Many issues associated with these activities are unique, including the transportation of a considerable amount of contaminated waste, soil, and structural debris. As the transportation of radioactive material increases, so does the potential of a transportation incident involving radioactive material. The challenge for DOE is ensure that thousands of its shipments annually are made in a safe and compliant manner. The DOE recognizes the importance of radiological characterization for ensuring radioactive materials are shipped in compliance with national regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) in the Hazardous Materials Regulations. In December 2009, DOE became aware that certain radioactive materials were not properly meeting hazard communication requirements for shipment and were therefore potentially noncompliant with DOT regulations. In response, DOE formed a working group to identify the source of the problem and develop solutions. This working group consists of waste characterization and transportation personnel involved with DOE radioactive material shipments. This group of subject matter experts is examining the multitude of requirements related to shipments, in particular: (1) waste acceptance criteria for the receiving site of the materials, and (2) transportation regulatory requirements. The group is reviewing existing documents, plans, procedures, and processes used in preparing DOE-owned radioactive material for shipment, and is identifying areas for improvement. The group members seek to identify best practices, opportunities for improvement, and obstacles encountered by waste characterization and transportation personnel. The working group findings and recommendations are being used by DOE to develop the necessary steps to ensure all radioactive materials are properly characterized and shipped in compliance with applicable requirements and regulations.