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The purpose of this study is to examine suitable cross section libraries for dose calculations and source term calculations for spent fuel storage casks, and discuss the applicability of respective libraries to shielding design. Calculations were conducted by using various cross section libraries, such as DLC23/CASK, based on ENDF/B-IV, MATXSLIB-J33 based on JENDL3.3, and VITAMIN-B6 based on ENDF/B-VI. Then, the calculation results were compared with the measured values. MATXSLIBJ33 was found to be the best among these libraries for its better agreement with the measured values. Source term calculations were conducted by using ORIGEN2&BWRU, ORIGEN2&ORLIB-J33 based on JENDL3.3, and ORIGEN-ARP&GE8x8-4. Then, the reproducibility of calculation with BWRU was confirmed and appropriate void ratios were suggested for calculations with ORLIB-J33 and GE8x8-4.