The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 makes the Department of Energy (DOE) responsible for disposal of greater-than-Class C low-level waste (GTCC LLW) that is generated by licensees of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or Agreement States. This Act also requires that such waste be disposed of in a facility licensed by the NRC. Licensed disposal of GTCC LLW will likely not be available for several decades. This paper discusses proposed plans and strategies for the DOE to fulfill its responsibility to dispose of GTCC LLW under the Act, and to ensure that safe options are available for long-term management of such waste, pending availability of disposal capacity. It also discusses (a) DOE interim storage of GTCC LLW in cases where licensees are unable to continue storing the waste safely and there are no practical alternatives, and (b) issues related to GTCC LLW projections.