Calibration Techniques and Results for the Portsmouth of Shuffler

Keith M. Wines - Martin Marietta Utility Services, Inc.
Jeffrey C. Gross - Martin Marietta Utility Services, Inc.
As environmental concerns over radioactive waste disposal continue to rise, the importance of Californium shufflers as a versatile waste monitoring and segregation instrument also continue to increase. The extent to which different amounts and types of materials can be measured by the shuffler is directly related to the extent of its calibration. As shufflers become more common place and their waste management uses also rise, the importance of a wide ranging and thorough calibration becomes critical. This paper presents the techniques used at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant for calibrating the shuffler to detect levels of U235 in radioactive waste. While the calibration techniques are similar to those used by Los Alamos, the standards that were used were constructed somewhat differently so that geometric effects are maximized. Also presented are shuffler transmission measurements that are used to determine the matrix type and the corresponding calibration. A discussion of the calibration data is given. This discussion includes specific aspects of the calibration such as overall range, high end limits, and poly shielding range and usefulness. INTRODUCTION