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In the approval procedure of transport packages for radioactive materials, the competent authority mechanical and thermal safety assessment is carried out in Germany by BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. The combination of experimental investigations and numerical calculations in conjunction with materials and components testing is the basis of the safety assessment concept of the BAM. Among other mechanical test scenarios a 1 meter drop test onto a steel bar has to be considered for hypothetical accident conditions of Type B packages according to IAEA regulations. Within the approval procedure for the new German package design of the HLW cask CASTOR® HAW 28M, designed by GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service Germany, a puncture drop test was performed with a half-scale model of the cask at -40°C. For independent assessment and to control the safety analysis presented by applicant, BAM developed a complex finite element model for a dynamical ABAQUS/ExplicitTM analysis. This paper describes in detail the use of the finite element (FE) method for modeling the puncture drop test within an actual assessment strategy. At first investigations of the behaviour of the steel bar are carried out. Different friction coefficients and the material law of the bar are analysed by using a “rigid-body\" approximation for the cask body. In the next step a more detailed FE model with a more realistic material definition for the cask body is developed. Strain verification is possible by results of the strain gauges located at the relevant points of the cask model. The influence of the finite element meshing is described. Finally, the verified FE half-scale model is expanded to full-scale dimension. Scaling effects are analysed. The model is used for safety assessment of the package to be approved.