The widely dispersed, unmanned launch facilities (LFs) for land-based ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) currently do not have visual assessment capability for existing intrusion alarms. The security response force currently must assess each alarm on-site. Remote assessment will enhance manpower, safety, and security efforts. Sandia National Laboratories was tasked by the USAF Electronic Systems Center to research, recommend, and demonstrate a cost-effective remote video assessment capability at missile LFs. The project's charter was to provide: • system concepts • market survey analysis • technology search recommendations • operational hardware demonstrations for remote video assessment from a missile LF to a remote security center via a cost-effective transmission medium and without using visible, onsite lighting. The technical challenges of this project were to: • analyze various video transmission media and emphasize using the existing missile system copper line which can be as long as 30 miles • accentuate an extremely low-cost system because of the many sites requiring system installation • integrate the video assessment system with the current LF alarm system • provide video assessment at the remote sites with non-visible lighting