The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to providing technologies to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to meet escalating monitoring and inspection requirements associated with the Non- Proliferation Treaty (NPT). One example of technology provided to the IAEA is the information management and remote monitoring capabilities being customized for the IAEA by the International Safeguards Division of the Office of Non-Proliferation and National Security. The on-going Safeguards Information Management Systems (SIMS) program is a DOE multi-laboratory effort providing the IAEA with a range of information management capabilities designed to enhance the effectiveness of IAEA nuclear inspection activities. An initial commitment involves the customization of computer capabilities to provide IAEA with a basic capability to geographically organize, store, retrieve, and display the large quantity of information involved in nuclear on-site inspection activities in Iraq. The International Nuclear Safeguards Inspection Support Tool (INSIST), described in this paper is an interactive, UNIX-based workstation developed by DOE's Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) to support the IAEA's role in nuclear inspections and treaty monitoring.