The Materials in Inventory (MIN) Initiative is a strategic planning process which will result in material disposition and management policies. The MIN Initiative is broad reaching across the DOE complex, and includes the following 10 material categories: 1) Spent Nuclear Fuel; 2) Depleted Uranium; 3) Natural and Enriched Uranium; 4) Plutonium and Other Nuclear Materials; 5) Weapons Components; 6) Scrap Metals and Equipment; 7) Chemicals; 8) Lithium; 9) Sodium; and 10) Lead. The MIN initiative only includes materials that are not actively in use, have not been designated as waste, and have not been designated by the Nuclear Weapons Council as Strategic Reserve Materials.The MIN Initiative is examining inventory levels of the previously mentioned materials, management systems currently in place, and potential Environment, Safety, Health, and Regulatory issues. This paper discusses the goals and progress of the MIN Initiative from the DOE Operations Office perspective.