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Transport of radioactive and nuclear material is highly regulated and transport safety regulations have been in effect for decades. Nuclear material transport security has been governed for many years on the basis of a binding international convention, the “Convention for the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material”, and its supporting document “The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities” INFCIRC/225, Revision 4 (corrected). On the other hand, transport security guidance for radioactive material was published in 2008 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as an implementing guide, “Security in the Transport of Radioactive Material”, NSS No. 9, and is just now being implemented in many countries. Experience in implementing the radioactive material transport security guidance is being gained by countries as they make decisions on which specific security provisions to require, provide training to their regulatory staff and licensees, and begin reviewing and approving transport security plans. This experience has led to the development of practical approaches that minimize impacts as the guidance is put into practice. The nuclear material transport security recommendations in INFCIRC/225 are in the process of being revised to update them and to incorporate recommendations based on the recent amendments made to the Convention. This revision will be published as a new recommendations level document in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series of documents. The interface between the nuclear and radioactive material transport security documents is important in order to ensure that appropriate security measures, based on both the nuclear and radioactive properties of the material being transported, are defined and implemented. This paper provides up to date information on the development of the IAEA transport security documents and presents information on implementation of the radioactive material transport security recommendations. It explains how the documents interface with each another and provides examples of how they should both be used in defining transport security requirements for shipments.