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The standard NUHOMSâ PWR system, licensed under Certificate of Compliance (CoC) 72-1004 and 71-9255, provides for storage and transportation of 24 PWR spent fuel assemblies in a sealed canister within a concrete horizontal storage module. Over 210 NUHOMSâ 24P canisters have been ordered and 98 have been successfully loaded to date. The NUHOMSâ 32PT is the next generation system designed for both storage and transport of PWR spent fuel assemblies. The NUHOMSâ 32PT system major design features are: · Capacity for storage and transport of 32 PWR spent fuel assemblies with or without control components, · Increased fuel assembly heat load and enrichments with a maximum heat load of 24 kW per canister and 1.2 kW per assembly, · Use of the same on-site transfer cask and HSMs as the existing system (CoC 72-1004), · Utilizes the existing designs of the auxiliary equipment for loading spent fuel assemblies into the canister, closure operations, vacuum drying and automated welding, without modification, · On-the-hook weight of 100 tons for plants with 100-ton crane capacity, · On-the-hook weight of 125 tons for plants with 125-ton crane capacity, and · Leak tight canister per the criteria of ANSI N14.5-1997. This paper describes the design of the NUHOMSâ 32PT system. The NUHOMSâ 32PT system consists of a new canister, existing NUHOMSâ on-site transfer casks, and existing concrete storage modules. The NUHOMSâ 32PT canister consists of shell and basket subassemblies. The canister shell design is similar to the existing NUHOMSâ 24P canister designs. The basket is a tube/plate type design based on the experience gained from other similar Transnuclear basket designs.