Recent Nuclear Security Summits have highlighted the need for a global commitment tominimize excess weapons usable separated plutonium inventories. The United States Departmentof Energy/ National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) Office of MaterialsManagement and Minimization has been leading the effort with partners globally to facilitatepackaging, removal and disposition of legacy plutonium materials. In recent years, DOE/NNSAand its partners have worked collaboratively with six countries and the European Commission todevelop and implement plans to characterize, stabilize, and package excess separated plutoniummaterials from research activities for removal and ultimate disposition. This paper providesdetails of the validation process for the 9975 plutonium package in these six Gap programcountries. Validation examples which touch on regulatory requirements and expectations,analysis methods and assumptions, hardware fabrication and quality assurance requirements aswell as competent authority certification are reviewed in this paper. Also stressed in the paper isthe requirement that the form, isotopes and quantities of the plutonium content to be shipped areagreed by all parties to be bounded by the approved content envelope of the 9975 plutoniumpackage. Examples where amendments to the 9975 SARP were required to ensure Gap programshipments are also discussed.