AREVA, as a worldwide PWR fuel provider, has to have a fleet of fresh UO2 shipping casks that is licensed in several countries including USA, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, South Africa, China… and to accommodate foreseen EPRTM Nuclear Power Plants fuel buildings. To reach this target the AREVA NP Fuel Sector together with TN International decided to develop an up to date shipping cask gathering experience feedback from the current fleet and an improved safety. As this cask is intended for worldwide use, it must be a global container which implies that it should be licensed as a minimum in France, Belgium and United States. This package must therefore comply with both IAEA TS-R-1 regulations and with the United States Code of Federal Regulation, Title 10, part 71 (10 CFR 71). The requirements of those regulations are not fully identical; therefore the package design, manufacturing and licensing options must comply with the two regulations and their associated code and standards. The safety options for the package assessment should also fit to each regulation and national requirements: • package type will be different in Europe and in the United States, • mechanical options synthesises both IAEA TS-R-1 and 10 CFR 71 regulations, • thermal assessment is different in Europe and in the United States. After a brief presentation of the cask, a compared analysis of IAEA TS-R-1 and 10 CFR 71 regulations regarding fresh UO2 fuel shipment will be performed and the design, manufacturing and safety options will be discussed.