Recent key issues on NPPs are mainly security related ones such as physical protection, cyber-attack as well as safety and nuclear safeguards. The ROK assigned a resident national inspector for CANDU power plants at Wolsong in 2012, and 3 more inspectors are sent to theLWR sites in 2015 and 2017 to provide sufficient and swift assistance for IAEA's activities including unannounced inspections. The resident inspectors are supporting national inspections for safeguards and physical protection, and IAEA inspections including PIV, DIV, and UI. With these main missions, they do mediating roles if some interface issues occurs between safety, safeguards, and physical protection, and even routine works like site patrolling and supervising some control areas. In this paper, KINAC's experiences and lessons gained during past years are presented, and improvements on site organization and activities are suggested.