Shipment of Irradiated MOX Fuel Rods—Lessons Learned

Scott B. Ludwig - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Bruce B. Bevard - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
On April 28, 2005, four mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies (using surplus weapons-grade plutonium derived from the U.S. nuclear weapons program) were delivered to Duke Energy’s Catawba Nuclear Station, completing a key milestone of the Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration Fissile Material Disposition Program. On June 5, 2005, irradiation of the MOX assemblies began in Catawba Unit 1. And on May 3, 2008, the four MOX fuel assemblies completed a second irradiation cycle. The next phase of the MOX program required that the irradiated MOX fuel undergo a series of post-irradiation examination (PIE) tests at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). ORNL was assigned to conduct the shipment of irradiated MOX rods from Catawba to ORNL on behalf of the DOE, and shipment was successfully and safely completed in January 2009. This paper addresses the activities involved in planning and conducting the shipment, which involved the following major tasks: • Preparation of the ORNL hot cells to accept and receive irradiated MOX rods • Selection and certification of a spent-fuel cask for use with MOX fuel rods • Characterization of the irradiated MOX fuel • Compliance with regulations • Development and implementation of detailed project plans and schedules • Coordination meetings and dry runs • Communication planning and liaison activities • Development of procedures • Loading and shipment preparations • Obtaining approvals for shipment • Conducting the shipment