Global Fissile Material Stocks 2018

Alexander Glaser - Princeton University
Zia Mian - Princeton University
Moritz Kutt - Princeton University
Pavel Podvig - Princeton University
This paper reviews the status of global fissile material stocks and some key developments in recent years as reported by the International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM). The global stock of highly enriched uranium (HEU) and separated plutonium, the main weapon-usable fissile materials, is estimated to be about 1,860 metric tons, as of the end of 2016. About 1,500 tons of this material was produced in military programs in nuclear-armed states. About 290 tons of separated plutonium was produced by civilian reprocessing programs and this stock continues to grow; Russia, China and India are working to expand their reprocessing capacity. In an important recent development, Russia has resumed production of HEU for civilian purposes and the United States is considering resuming uranium enrichment for military purposes, including eventually HEU for naval reactor fuel. The United States continues to  down-blend its remaining excess HEU at a low rate. The United States and Russia have confirmed plans to dispose of the 34 tons of plutonium they each declared excess for military purposes even though they have in effect terminated their plutonium disposition deal agreed in 2000. No state has indicated an intent to declare additional fissile material excess to weapon or military purposes and set it aside for disposition.