The presentation is based on the results of research into application of neogeography principles in integration of information resources and development of subject strata for presentation of data on radioactive substances (RS) and radioactive waste (RW) on a uniform base map with geographic coordinates. The key idea of the presentation is about using new solutions in the development of accounting and control (MC&A) systems. The report consists of three sections and includes diagrams and charts. The first section, General Integration Principles, describes neogeography concepts and system integration principles in light of problem requirements and properties. Main goals and objectives of the system are defined. It is illustrated with a flowchart. The second section, Main System Functions, features a list of core functions of the system. The main emphasis is made on a graphic presentation of data flows from various information systems for tracking of RS and RW movement and RS storage at the enterprise vaults and warehouses, as well as for monitoring of emergencies. This section also lists the analytical functions and information browsing principles in different information systems. The third section, Technical Aspects of MC&A System Design Using the Neogeography Principles, focuses on the specific features of technical implementation of the system taking into account security considerations and discretionary access control requirements.