Cs2LiYCl6 (CLYC) is a new detector that is desirable as a dual gamma-neutron detector due to its gamma spectroscopic capabilities comparable to NaI while producing monoenergetic pulses from neutron captures with 6Li. The CLYC detector needs detailed characterization its response function for gamma-ray photons and neutrons, including its detection efficiency and energy resolution. The goal of this work is to develop an accurate model that can predict the CLYC detector response to various photon and neutron sources. MCNPX-PoliMi was used to duplicate separate measurements of 137Cs and 241AmBe taken with the CLYC detector, and MPPost was used to determine the pulse height distribution of each and apply energy resolution. It was found that the simulation was capable of predicting the overall shape of the measured pulse height distributions but overpredicts the 137Cs photopeak and 241AmBe neutron capture efficiencies.