The number of American professionals, especially safeguards inspectors, at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has diminished over the last twenty years. In 1988, Americans held 18% of the total professional positions in the IAEA Department of Safeguards, subject to geographical distribution. In recent years, this has declined to 12%. One of the reasons for this decline is that many of the American applicants are not well pre-qualified and prepared for the IAEA interview and selection process. This paper proposes that the United States Departments of Energy and State support the founding of an Academy for preparing American Safeguards Inspectors for the IAEA. With additional training and preparation, American candidates will be better prepared and have a better chance of being selected. This is another tangible way that the United States can improve its support of International Nuclear Safeguards and Non-proliferation. There are a significant number of former IAEA American safeguards inspectors and professionals residing both within and outside of the United States that could be educational resources for the Academy. A provisional list of these individuals is provided herein.