Matt Eyre - NETCO
Jean-Alain Laurin - Rio Tinto Alcan
Richard Krutzik - Manufacturing Sciences Corporation
Pierre Marchand - Rio Tinto Alcan
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Neutron absorber materials are used for cask storage as well as for transportation of nuclear fuel. Furthermore, high density storage of fuel in commercial nuclear reactor pools relies on neutron absorber material to assure fuel sub-criticality. Analysis of regulatory required sub-criticality margin relies on the assurance of a uniform distribution of the absorber, usually boron-10, and meeting or exceeding the minimum specified boron-10 areal density1 (grams/square centimeter). The usual form of the neutron absorber is rolled sheet or extruded shapes of a boron containing matrix. The aim of this paper is to review, using statistical analysis, the variations of the neutron transmission ratio associated with the variations coming from casting, rolling and measurement of the end product areal density of Rio Tinto Alcan's (RTA) Boralcan™ material as used in the production of NETCO Snap-In® spent fuel storage rack inserts. Rio Tinto Alcan will perform the controls and tests associated with casting of Boralcan™ billets. Manufacturing Sciences Corporation (MSC) will perform the controls and tests associated with rolling and cutting of sheets. NETCO will perform the uncertainty measures associated with the measurement of the Boralcan™ sample coupon neutron transmission ratio and boron-10 areal density.