The Oak Ridge Center of Excellence for Uranium (CEU) serves as the focal point, catalyst and responsible entity for managing the Department of Energy’s uranium. Under this umbrella, the CEU provides numerous services in sup- port of DOE complex-wide activities associated with uranium, including assistance to sites that want to transfer, stabilize, process and/or disposition uranium. Two enhancements have been made to the CEU services: (1) The Central Scrap Management Office developed an interactive Web page to assist the scrap generators in completing the paperwork required to transfer the uranium scrap to the Y-12 site for processing or storage, and (2) the Y-12 Plant offers a Uranium Pack/Ship Team that can provide assistance in packaging and shipping of nuclear materials. The Y-12 Plant has a network of knowledge and expertise in processing and storing uranium and related strategic materials and serves as a catalyst in resolving technical and programmatic limiting issues. The CEU integrates the uranium needs and services for the department to provide efficient and cost-effective solutions to all DOE program offices.