The poCAMon combines a very compact design with a high flow rate and long battery life. Its size and weight are still acceptable for carrying by one person. The unit measures long-lived aerosols as well as short-lived Radon/Thoron daughters by alpha spectroscopy and beta counting. The radioactive aerosols and particles are collected on the surface of a high resolution membrane filter. The alpha and beta decays on the filter are measured by a high-end semiconductor radiation detector (400 mm²). This allows a perfect separation of the different decay products. The increased pump rate (more than 3 l/ min) is suitable for lower detection limits. A sensor measures permanently the pressure drop on the filter in order to recognize an exhausted or perforated filter instantly. With the 3.8 Ah NiMH battery pack, the poCAMon achieves an operation time of more than 30 hours. The quality control is a main issue of any radiation measurement. Therefore the poCAMon records a complete alpha spectrum for each measured value. This allows the monitoring of the device’s perfect operation in each moment of the measurement. There are options for additional sensors for carbon monoxide and combustible gases as needed in underground mines. All measured data are stored in a 2GB memory card and can be accessed with a PC or laptop via a USB interface. Data transmission and device control can also be done via wireless ZigBee network or via a server for stationary operation with network access. A barometric pressure sensor and a GPS receiver are optional features of the device.