The Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) implemented LANMAS as the promary accounting system for nuclear materials at the site on September 28, 1998. Ten months after full implementation, and with over 100,000 transations now in the system, we hav had time to access our decision and reflect on the lessons we have learned. Inretrospect, the decision t implement LANMAS would have been made again. However, if we had known then what we know today, the way we implemented would definitely have been different. A number of lessons were learned during the implementation phase. Planning is the key to any major project. We planned carefully, but we underestimated the enornmous amount of time required for a smooth transition. Training and system testing provd to be the areas wehere more time would have been invaluble. Hopefully, other sites preparing to implement LANMAS can use the RFETS experience and lessons learned to thier benefit.