The Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) is now a Closure Site on an accelerated closure schedule. Closure not only involves dismantling buildings and facilities but dismantling systems and programs, including the nuclear material control and accountability (MC&A) program. RFETS has traditionally maintained a single accounting system at the Site. Due to the history and mission of the Site, that system has always been on a classified computer network. As various facilities were decommissioned and their security status was downgraded, it became apparent that the MC&A accounting system had to be converted to an unclassified system to continue to provide support until final closure. An interpretation of the Graded Safeguards Concept from DOE Order 474.1 led to the development of defined Safeguards Layers at RFETS. These layers have allowed definition of material control procedures specific to closure activities. Additionally, they set the stage for dividing the accountability system into a classified version and an unclassified version. This paper describes the MC&A processes and procedures established to support the two accountability systems while maintaining total accountability for the Site.