Molton-Fuel Reactors: An Old Concept Whose Time Has Come

R.W. Brewer - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A molten plutonium reactor named the Los Alamos Molten Plutonium Reactor Experiment (LAMPRE) operated at Los Alamos in the early 60’s. Much of the knowledge gained has not been utilized in the design of current advanced reactors. Reprocessing of spent molten fuel is more cost effective because actinides are concentrated in the lower portion of the fuel element, and the lighter elements, with respect to material density, migrate to the top of the fuel element. The upper portion of the fuel element can simply be discarded or placed in long-term storage. Operation of LAMPRE demonstrated that molten-fuel reactors have higher specific burn-up rates when compared to metallic or ceramic fuel types. Passive safety is enhanced through the use of Integral Fast Reactor or even High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor balance-of-plant (BOP). Molten and metallic properties provide other passive safety features that could be utilized. Molten-fuel reactors offer many advantages with respect to safety, fuel utilization, and nuclear safeguards.