The Lifecycle of HIREM and Potential Technologies for Improvement of its Safety and Security

Boris Barkanov - RFNC-VNIIEF
Sergei Blagin - RFNC-VNIIEF
Alexi Sokovitian - VNIIA
We have investigated the lifecycle of Hazardous Items including Radioactive or Explosive Materials (HIREM) in the Russian Federation and present potential technologies that could improve the safety and security of HIREM in different stages of the lifecycle. The poster describes the various stages of the lifecycle including HIREM removal, transportation, long and short term storage, disassembly, and final disposition. Monitoring and identification technologies in the phase before disassembly are demonstrated in a facility developed by VNIIA. Monitoring and TID technologies from VNIIEF that could be used to improve the security of HIREM in several stages of the lifecycle are depicted in the poster and some will be demonstrated at the session. This work will lead to the identification of technologies and research into the improvement of HIREM safety and security.