The Computer Modeling System for Arms Control and Nonproliferation

Dr. R. I. Voznyuk - Zababakhin Russian Federal Nuclear Center
A. N. Bezsonny - Zababakhin Russian Federal Nuclear Center
M. Charles - Sandia National Labs
J. Brabson - Sandia National Labs
S. Deland - Sandia National labs
This project represents the development of a state of the art tool that provides a suite of applications which graphically displays and links to a tabular data base complex treaty/agreement information. This tool also stores, analyzes and presents data to enable efficient and accurate assessment of the status, impacts and conditions associated with inspection scenarios for monitored warhead dismantlement under a bilateral regime. This tool will also have the capability to test and evaluate the effectiveness of transparency/verification measures as applied to hypothetical warhead dismantlement scenarios. CMSAC is being developed, by VNIITF, under a Sandia National Laboratory contract as part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Russian Lab to Lab Program. This tool will have state of the art capability and flexibility to model and assess numerous treaty related scenarios. The unclassified modeling of the Russian warhead dismantlement process and the potential verification/transparency measures that could be integrated into that process will be the first application of the tool.