The U. S. Department of Energy Hanford Site, located in southeastern Washington State, executed a two-phase de-inventory and off-site shipment program for the de-inventory of surplus plutonium and un-irradiated nuclear reactor fuel from the Plutonium Finishing Plant for consolidation at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina. The Hanford De-Inventory Project is a major component of the Department of Energy, Complex-wide, Plutonium Consolidation Implementation Program, a Strategic Initiative executed at the direction of the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management. The Plutonium Finishing Plant operated at Hanford from July 1949 through June 1989. During more than forty years of operation, the Plutonium Finished Plant processed plutonium produced in Hanford reactors. Concentrated plutonium oxides and defense-grade plutonium metal from the Plutonium Finishing Plant processing lines supported National Laboratories research, as well as, Department of Defense Weapons Program development. Ultimately, the Plutonium Finishing Plant mission operations were overcome by local and world events, including the end of the Cold War. The Plutonium Finishing Plant processing operations ceased in June 19891. Beginning in 1998 and continuing through March 2003, the Plutonium Finishing Plant conducted operations to thermally stabilize and package the surplus plutonium, plutonium-bearing solutions, plutonium oxides, plutonium polycubes, plutonium ash, and plutonium metal. Thermally stabilized plutonium oxides, metal, and metal fragments were packaged in bagless transfer cans and further sealed in DOE Standard 3013 containers. The 3103 containers were then placed in secure vault storage while waiting for a decision on final disposition. In the interim, Hanford simultaneously began planning for long-term, enduring, secure storage of the surplus plutonium and un-irradiated nuclear reactor fuel, as well as, planning for expedited off-site shipments of the surplus plutonium and un-irradiated nuclear reactor fuel using Secure Transportation Assets managed by the Office of Secure Transportation.