The Challange of Performance-based MC&A Training for R&D Facilities

Relf Price - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Robert L. Lopez - Los Alamos National Laboratory
The U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) is requiring its contractors to conduct business in accordance with \"Formality of Operations\". Formality of operations has been extended into areas previously exempt; specifically, training. Formal training, qualification and certification standards have existed for many years within the military and commercial nuclear industry, but are relatively new to DOE contractors. These standards are expecially challenging to national laboratories engaged in research and development (R&D). Formal training programs within this R&D environment present significant challenges due to the mission, culture, and employee profiles of these institutions. This paper addresses the design, development and implementation of a formal Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Nuclear Materials Control & Accountability (MC&A) Training Program in response to draft DOE Order 5630.XX, \"Safeguards and Security Training Program\". Major issues covered include: (I) Performancebased training in the research community, (2) implementation challenges of DOE 5630.XX, (3) a working model using a graded approach, and (4) lessons learned. The LANL MC&A Training Program is a performance-based training program modified to fit the R&D mission of the Laboratory. Formality of training programs is no longer just good business practice, but is required by the DOE to assure that safety, environment, health, security and safeguards issues are addressed by formally trained, qualified/certified employees.