In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, the IAEA General Conference adopted a resolution requesting the Director General to “review thoroughly the activities and programmes of the Agency with a view to strengthening the Agency work relevant to preventing acts of terrorism involving nuclear material and other radioactive materials”. In response to that request, a report titled Protection Against Nuclear Terrorism” was submitted to the Board of Governors in November 2001. The report identified possible threats from acts of nuclear terrorism and summarized the Agency’s ongoing work in areas relevant to the prevention and mitigation of the consequences of such acts and outlined proposals for a number of new or enhanced activities. The proposals were refined in a subsequent report to the Board of Governors in March 2002. Eight activity areas were identified to address prevention, detection and response to activities of nuclear terrorism involving nuclear material, other radioactive materials and nuclear facilities. The proposals reflect a comprehensive approach to nuclear security, recognizing that a variety of competencies in different areas are required to maintain a high security level. The activity areas range from measures to improve protection and accountability of nuclear material, protection of nuclear facilities and improved security of radioactive sources, to measures to improve the detection, interdiction and response to illicit trafficking and other illegal acts involving these materials.