Assuring effective national and international control for exports of nuclear materials and nuclear-related equipment, materials, and technologies is a goal of both the United States and Russia. The goal of the program of cooperation between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Russian Federation Ministry of Atomic Energy (Minatom) is to ensure that technical expertise is available and utilized in the various areas of nuclear export control. The three areas of focus in the U.S./Russian program are (1) identification of technical resources and establishment of a technical support relationship between these resources and responsible decision makers in the licensing process, (2) U.S./Russian Federation sharing of technical views on harmonization of national and international controls, and (3) outreach/education on the importance and requirements of nuclear export licensing to Russia=s Minatom institutes as well as to Russian export industries. DOE also has an active program of collaboration with the Chinese on nuclear nonproliferationBrelated issues. Such cooperation would include joint nuclear export control workshops in which DOE would emphasize the importance of national laboratory experts in controlling nuclear and nuclear-related dual-use commodities. DOE experience in Russia will benefit the U.S. effort in demonstrating the significance of technical expertise in the licensing review process.