GTS Duratek’s waste vitrification facility at the M-Area of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Savannah River Site has successfully completed the stabilization of approximately 750,000 gallons of low-level radioactive/hazardous (mixed) waste. The project represents the first commercial-scale application of vitrification for mixed-waste treatment. Our accomplishment has major significance in that the overall state-of-the-art was advanced in the following ways, for example: (1) The melter demonstrated the highest ever throughput for radioactive waste processing, which approached six tons/day for extended periods; (2) The availability of the process averaged 80 percent, and once beyond the startup period the availability approached 90 percent; (3) All of the more than 2,100,000 lbs of glass produced passed all acceptance requirements as a basis for regulatory “delisting” to enable simpler and less costly disposal; (4) Means were demonstrated to overcome highly variable waste/”feed”; (5) High volume reduction was consistently demonstrated at 71percent; (6) Virtually no melter wear was seen as a result of designed chemistry control and operational conditions; (7) Extremely valuable component life and off-gas performance information was obtained. As a result, an elevated industry standard has been established. And, correspondingly, there will be great benefit from our experience to future vitrification projects, such as that planned for the DOE Hanford site.