In Korea, a national inspection system was introduced in 1997 as an active measure to maintain the increased number of nuclear materials and facilities and to ensure international transparency and credibility of the nuclear activities in Korea. According to the Korean Atomic Energy Act, the national inspection is being performed independently simultaneously with the IAEA inspection. In 2003, about 150 inspections were performed and 353 PDIs(Person Day Inspection) were needed to inspect all of the nuclear facilities in ROK. In Korea, the portion of CANDU type reactors out of the commercial reactors is 20%(4 units). However, the PDIs for a CANDU reactor were 45.6% and most of this PDIs were consumed to inspect the spent fuel transfer. So, we need an information management system for this inspection. To development this system, the oracle RDBMS (Relational Data Base Management System) was adopted for a data base management. And all the users can access this system via the internet using their own computer with a web browser. This system includes the information for the baskets, fuel identification, tray identification, NDA results, Seal, Baskets ids in each Canister and the time and date for each step. The hardware for this system consists of two parts. One is the database server for the responsibility of the database operation in a Compaq server; the other is an intra-net server for the responsibility of the application program operating in a PC server.