Just as buildings have cornerstones to ensure there foundation, the Russian Lab to Lab Material Protection Control and Accountability (MPC&A) Program requires cornerstones to maintain sustainability. Sustainability equates to the continuous operation of MCP&A equipment with minimum down time. Down time can be minimized through the implementation of a sound maintenance program, properly trained technicians, and the required spare parts on hand to accomplish preventive, corrective and emergent maintenance (maintenance that requires immediate attention). Emergent work will be kept to a minimum by using a fully implemented Maintenance program. This paper will discuss the needs and processes chosen to initiate a program to address maintenance issues and the results of the efforts of Pantex Plant personnel to implement a comprehensive Maintenance Management system at the Russian sites, currently VNIIEF and VNIITF. The development and implementation of a centralized maintenance management program, including maintenance and plant operator training, was necessary due to the introduction of large amounts of U.S. funded MPC&A equipment to these two facilities. the Russians are learning the best industry practices to preventive, corrective, and emergent maintenance concepts employed y the U.S. to ensure that equipment sustains operations throughout its projected service life. The Pantex approach was to assist the current active facilities in an integrated progression toward a more centralized maintenance management approach for the entire facility. The introduction of an automated Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS), provision of spare parts, tools, diagnostic equipment and maintenance manuals for the MPC&A systems involved, will provide the cornerstone. This paper will report on the progress at the current sites in which Pantex is involved. The main goal sustained operations using an integrated maintenance system at these facilities will meet these needs and improve the efficiency of the maintenance system thus reducing the cost of operations of the MPC&A systems to both the Russians and the U.S. taxpayer.