When intrusive measurement technologies are applied to classified nuclear weapon materials or components, information barriers must be applied to protect the sensitive data that are collected. This paper discusses general principles for the development of hardware and software information barriers for application to potentially intrusive measurement technologies for nuclear materials. We consider the idea of a comprehensive information barrier that can be applied to information transfer from initial measurements of sensitive elements to the output of nonsensitive information on a display. For potentially intrusive measurement technologies and devices, one has to choose several principle elements in which to install hardware and software information barriers. As a result, a multilevel information barrier, which ensures reliable information protection, should be implemented. At the same time, procedural methods of information protection should not be excluded. We discuss current trends in information barrier development: from laboratory experiments to implementation in commercial equipment and specialized devices. We compare Russian and American devices and discuss possible approaches to the solution of information protection problems during inspection of containers with nuclear materials that are in storage.